Elizabeth Baron
Coach & Consultant Testimonials
Gina Garcia,
Dancer, Teacher, Worldanz CDF
I am director and creator of Worldanz DCF, a dance fitness program that brings together movement styles from around the globe. Aside from providing intense and comprehensive physical training, Worldanz classes are designed to help participants access a wide range of emotional and energetic states associated with the cultures we embody. For years, Elizabeth Baron has been a key instructor in our teacher training program. Not only has she helped future Worldanz Instructors access these different states of being, but she has guided them through a unique and meaningful exploration of their roles as facilitators and leaders.
Elizabeth's work goes way beyond clowning, acting, or role playing. Through her polarity workshops, she has helped us examine and understand the complex undercurrents that are happening within all our personal and work relationships. She has helped all my instructors express themselves in ways they never thought was possible.
I've often fantasized about what kind of effect her work would have if implemented in schools, businesses, or government. I see Elizabeth's program being an absolute game-changer to any organization that wishes to create positive leadership and conscious relationships amongst its members.
Sue Day,
Speech & Language Therapist
I want to specifically talk about the professional relationship that I have had over the past few years.
I have been a speech and language therapist working almost exclusively with individuals of all ages having social challenges but higher functioning in many ways. Many of my students have poor body awareness and tend to move their bodies in very stilted and “stiff” ways. Liz was excited about collaborating with me to create essentially a workshop for certain older students of mine.
Liz met with these students 3 times and, over the course of those sessions, I saw changes in these students that I had never seen before (and some of these students I have worked with for nearly a decade!). She was able to create activities for them in such a way that they were engaged and so willing to explore their own bodies and movement! Their increased awareness was exhilarating for me to witness! Her level of connectedness to them as individuals was mind-blowing! Liz, you are an incredible artist and teacher. I look forward to our many relationships in the future.
Sarah Kauffman Michael,
Actor, Singer, Musician, Yoga Teacher
With Liz's guidance, both in group formats and one-on-one sessions, I feel challenged both to push my personal boundaries, and also safe to explore, experiment, and stumble wherever needed. Liz is intuitive, generous, and kind, and I enthusiastically recommend her work to anyone curious about diving into performing in a more personal, authentic, and joyful way.